1. Shashidhar Mahantshetti et al (2017) “Perception with Respect to Compensation Structure: A Study of Workmen in Manufacturing Industries in North Karnataka” in IRA- International journal of management and social sciences, ISSN 2455-2267; Vol.07, Issue 02 (2017) Pg. no. 250-257.
2. Shashidhar Mahantshetti (2017) “Car Buying Behaviour: An Empirical Analysis with Special Reference to North Karnataka” in researchers world- journal of arts, science & commerce, ISSN: 2231-4172 refereed journal Vol.8, issue.3 (2).
3. Shashidhar Mahantshetti and Basavaraj Kudachimath (2016) “Perspectives of Decentralized Powerloom Industry in India- An Empirical Analysis” in IRA- International journal of management and social sciences, ISSN 2455-2267; Vol.6. Issue 01, (2017) pp 13-23.
4. Shashidhar Mahantshetti & Basavaraj Kudachimath (2016)" Decentralized Powerloom Sector in Belgaum District - A study of Socio-economic status and occupational hazards of the powerloom weaving community" in Navasiddhant national level journal.
5. Shashidhar Mahantshetti and Rajashekar B(2014) “Factors Affecting Acceptance of E-tailing Among Customers: An Empirical Study of North Karnataka Perspective” in Navasiddhant national level journal vol. 2, January-June issue 2014 ISSN: 2320-2017 page no 48-54.
6. Shashidhar Mahantshetti (2012) "Implications of E-commerce on Distribution strategy” conducted by Global Business School, Belgaum- ISBN: 978-81-927463 page no 1-9.