UG: B.Com
PG: M.Com and MBA
Ph.D : Ph.D In Finance and Banking from Karnataka University Dharwad
Area of Interest: Accounting and Finance
Publications: Papers
1. Shollapur,
M.R; Patted S.V; & Dev Prasad. 2022. Psychodynamics of Investments: Study
on ‘Fear’ and ‘Love’ among Financially Literate Investors in India, Accepted
for publication in Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business (JAFEB),
Vol. 9, Issue 2, February 2022.
2. Manu T.U;
& Shollapur, M.R. 2022. Branding of B-Schools from the Perspectives of
Recruiters, Journal of Management and Entrepreneurship (JME), Accepted for
3. Manu T.U;
Shollapur, M.R. & Pannerselvam S. 2021. Brand-Building of B-Schools: A
Review of Literature. Journal of Tianjin University Science and Technology,
Vol. 54, No. 08, pp. 421- 432.
4. Shollapur,
M.R. and Patted S V. 2020. Research Trends in Business Education: Experience of
State Universities in India, Shodh Sanchar Bulletin, Vol. 10, Issue 39, pp.
5. Barigidad,
Y.S., & Shollapur, M.R., 2019. A Study on Economic Impact of Microfinance.
In: Shollapur, M.R., & Ajoy Kumar M., (Eds.). Readings in Contemporary
Management Research, Bengaluru: Enas Publications, pp. 191-204.
6. Shollapur,
M.R. 2019. Practice Periods: An
Innovation for Maximizing Students’ Learning in Business Studies, University
News, Vol. 57, No. 08, pp. 9-16.
7. Shollapur,
M.R. and Patted S V. 2018. Challenges and Opportunities in Delivering Course on
GST: A Curriculum Perspective. In: Bhat S.N; Shollapur M. R. & Vishwanath
N.S. (Eds) Impact of Demonetization and GST on Indian Economy, Dharwad: Smt
& Shri G.S Akkihal College of Commerce and Postgraduate Institute of
Commerce. pp. 312-332.
8. Shollapur,
M.R. and Patted S V. 2017. Impact of Brexit and India’s Preparedness: A
Perspective. DHARANA, International Journal of Business, Vol. 11, No.1,
9. Muralidhara
and Shollapur, M.R. 2016. Effect of Working Capital Management on Firm’s
Profitability: Evidence from Selected Indian Retail Firms, Finance India, Vol.
XXX, No. 4, pp. 1251-1263.
10. Deepak, R.
Shollapur, M.R., 2015. Impact of Economic Reforms on Stock Market Behaviour: A
Short-term Perspective, DHARANA, International Journal of Business, Vol. 9,
No.1, pp.03-16.
11. Shollapur,
M.R. 2015. Evolving Learner-Centered Management Education: A Holistic
Perspective, SSRN-Social Science Research Network, Tomorrow’s Research Today,
April 29, 2015.
12. Ajoy Kumar
and Shollapur, M.R. 2015. Price Behaviour of Spot and Futures Markets for
Commodities in India: Case Study of Soya Oil. Indian Journal of Research in
Capital Markets, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 44-55.
13. Ajoy Kumar
and Shollapur, M.R. 2015. Price Discovery and Volatility Spillover in the
Agricultural Commodity Futures Market in India, The IUP Journal of Applied Finance,
Vol. 21, No. 1, pp. 54-70.
14. Shollapur,
M.R. 2015. Academic Autonomy for B-Schools: An Experience of Designing New
Courses and Pedagogy. University News, Vol. 53, No.7 pp. 69-77.
15. Prasad,
D., Shollapur, M.R., Patted, S.V., 2014. Indian Women Investors: Emotional
Decision Makers? Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship Development,
Vol.2, No.1, pp.01-18.
16. Shollapur,
M.R. 2014. Academia-Industry Interaction for Innovations: An Empirical Study.
University News, Vol. 52, No.9 pp. 6-12 & 19.
17. Shollapur,
M.R. 2014. Leveraging upon Academic Autonomy: Case Study of a B-School, IOSR
Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 3. pp. 55-65.
18. Shollapur,
M.R. Aparna Karki, and Muralidhara, A. 2014. Strategic Cost Management through
Life-Cycle Costing: An Empirical Study, Asia Pacific Journal of Applied Finance,
Vol.III, No. 2, pp. 35-51.
19. Shollapur,
M.R. and Kuchanur, A.B. 2013. Analysis of Revenue, Costs and Profit: A Study on
Consistency in Performance of the Selected Public Sector Banks in India,
Finance India, Vol. XXVII, No. 4, pp. 1193-1211.
20. Shollapur,
M.R., Patted, S.V., 2013. Building the Eco-System for Social Enterprises: The
Role of Academia in Supplying Intellectual and Human Capital, Contemporary
Research in India (A Peer-Reviewed Multi-Disciplinary International Journal),
Vol. 3, Issue: 4, pp. 194-199
21. Muralidhara
and Shollapur, M.R. 2013. Effect of Working Capital Management on
Profitability: A Study of Selected Retail Firms in India. In: Rangaraju M.S.
& Prashant N.B. (Eds.). Global Business: Opportunities and Challenges,
Ambala: The Associated Publishers, pp. 156-177.
22. Ajoy Kumar
and Shollapur, M.R. 2013. Relationship Between Spot and Future Prices of Gold
and Silver: A Comparison. In: Rangaraju M.S. & Prashant N.B. (Eds.). Global
Business: Opportunities and Challenges, Ambala: The Associated Publishers, pp.
23. Shollapur,
M.R., and Mulla, R.A., 2012. Impact of Mergers and Acquisitions on Operational
Performance: An Empirical Analysis. In: P.R. Bhat (Ed.) “Competitive Advantage
through Globalisation”, New Delhi: Macmillan, pp. 189-213.
24. Shollapur,
M.R., Patted, S.V., Prasad, D., and Jain, R., 2012. Human emotions and their
impact on the Indian investor’s decisions, Journal of International Business
Management and Research – JIBMR, Vol. 3(7), pp. 50-58.
25. Shollapur,
M.R., and Barigidad, Y.S., 2011. A Study on Mobilization of Financial Resources
by Self-help Groups. In: Shollapur, M.R., Naveen, K., (Eds.). Microfinance and
Sustainable Livelihood Promotions in India, New Delhi: Excel Books, pp.
26. Basavaraja,
P.M., and Shollapur, M.R., 2011. Credit Flow and Financial Inclusion: A Case
Study of Tumkur District in Karnataka State. In: Shollapur, M.R., Naveen, K.,
(Eds.). Microfinance and Sustainable
Livelihood Promotions in India, New Delhi: Excel Books, pp. 226-237.
27. Shollapur,
M.R., Basavaraja, P.M., 2010. Financial Inclusion: A Case Study of Tumkur
District in Karnataka State. In: Catherine, B.S, Anitha, R. and Geetha. C.U.,
(Eds.). Inclusive Growth in India, New Delhi: Excel Books. pp. 46-50.
28. Shollapur,
M.R., 2010. Planning and Pricing of Financial Services, International Business
& Economics Research, Vol. 9 (9), pp. 141-155.
29. Shollapur,
M.R., 2010. Foreign Direct Investment in Higher Education: Innovations in
Design and Quality, University News, Vol. 48(46), pp. 12-16.
30. Shollapur,
M.R., 2010. Baligatti, Y.G., 2010. Funds Management in Banks: A Cost-Benefit
Perspective, International Business & Economics Research, Vol 9 (11), pp.
31. Shollapur,
M.R., Sunil, K.M., Tate, U., 2010. FDI
Accounting in India and China: A Need for Harmonization, The International
Journal for Business & IT, Vol. 6 (2), pp. 08-14.
32. Shollapur,
M.R., and Patted, S.V., 2009. Ethical Accounting and Integrity of Accounting
Industry: A Perspective. In: Hundekar, S.G., (Ed.). Business Ethics and Human
Values, New Delhi: Excel Publications, pp. 49-57.
33. Shollapur,
M.R., Baligatti, Y.G., 2009. BASEL-II Capital Adequacy Norms for Banks- Issues
and Challenges. In: Hundekar, (Eds.) Transformation in Indian Banking,
Dharwad: Karnatak University, pp. 73-83.
34. Shollapur,
M.R., Baligatti, Y.G., 2009. Business Ethics and Corporate Social
Responsibility: A Study on Initiatives in Education and Learning by Infosys.
In: Kalkundrikar, A.B., (Eds.). Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility,
New Delhi: Macmillan Publishers India Ltd., pp. 55-66.
35. Shollapur,
M.R., Baligatti, Y.G., 2009. Environmental Influence on Content and Delivery of
Curriculum: A Case Study of Banking Sector Reforms, University News, Vol.47
(09). pp. 15-19.
36. Shollapur,
M.R., 2008. Strategic Marketing of Financial Services: A Study on Strategic
Marketing Plans of NBFCs. In: Anitha, H.S., (Ed), Emerging Dimensions in
Marketing. Bangalore: Vishwa Janapada Seva Trust, pp. 46-60.
37. Shollapur,
M.R., and Sunagar, M.U., 2008. Pricing of Initial Public Offers: An Analysis of
Corporate Practices and Investors’ Preferences, The Indian Journal of Commerce,
Vol. 61(3). pp. 61-69.
38. Shollapur,
M.R., 2008. Building Institution – Industry Relationships: Indian Experience.
University News, Vol. 46(13), pp. 7-14.
39. Shollapur,
M.R., Kuchanur, A.B., 2008. Identifying
Perceptions and Perceptual Gaps: A Study on Individual Investors in Selected
Investment Avenues. Journal of Behavioral Finance, Vol. (2), pp. 47-64.
40. Shollapur,
M.R., Baligatti, Y.G., 2008. Asset-Liability Linkages in Managing Bank Funds:
An Empirical Analysis. DHARNA, International Journal of Business 2(1), pp.
41. Shollapur,
M.R., Anita, R., 2007. Brand Positioning: A Study on Microwave Ovens. Dharana.
Vol. 1(1), pp. 59-63.
42. Shollapur,
M.R., Baligatti, Y.G., 2007. Impact of Non-Performing Assets on Indian Banks. In: K.R. Bellad Arts and
Commerce College (Ed), Emerging Trends in Banking. K.R. Bellad Arts and
Commerce College. Mundaragi, pp.
43. Shollapur,
M.R., Sunagar, M.U., 2007. Promotion of IPOs for Retail Investors: A Study on
Corporate Practices and Investors’ Preferences, Osmania Journal of
International Business Studies, Vol II (1), pp. 276-286.
44. Shollapur,
M.R., 2007. Industry driven business education: A Study on exploring industry’s
reflections. University News, Vol. 45(42), pp. 1-13.
45. Shollapur,
M.R., Sunagar, M.U., 2006. Managing Transition under VAT: Dealers’ Perspective.
The Indian Journal of Commerce, Vol. 59 (3), pp. 31-40.
46. Shollapur,
M.R., 2006. Case Method of Teaching Commerce: A Key to Skill Development.
University News, Vol. 44 (40), pp. 5-9.
47. Shollapur,
M.R., 2005. The Process of Strategic Marketing in Non- Banking Finance Companies. The Indian Journal of Commerce,
Vol. 58 (4), pp. 101-112.
48. Shollapur,
M.R., Kuchanur, A.B., 2005. A Study on Savings Behaviour of Household Sector.
Southern Economist, Vol. 44 (14), 13-16.
49. Shollapur,
M.R., 2005. Strengthening Commerce Education-A Holistic Perspective. University
News, Vol. 43 (35), pp. 5-11 & 16.
50. Hundekar,
S.G., Shollapur, M.R., 2005. Research Ethics: A Need for Introspection.
University News, Vol. 43 (31), pp. 1-5.
51. Hugar,
S.S., Hundekar, S.G., Shollapur, M.R., 2005. Marketing Approach to Higher Education System.
University News, Vol. 43(21), pp. 13-16.
52. Shollapur,
M.R., 2004. Segmental Disclosures by Wipro and Infosys. The
Journal for Business and IT. Vol. 1 (1), pp. 78-85.
53. Shollapur,
M.R., 2001. Financial Sector Reforms and the Management of Banking Industry: An
Overview. Silver Jubilee Souvenir. Dharwad: Malaprabha Grameen Bank, pp. 28-31.
54. Hundekar,
S.G., Shollapur, M.R., 2001. Skill Building: A Key to Curriculum Development in
Commerce Education. In: Hugar, S.S., (Eds.), Challenges before Business
Education in India. New Delhi: Atlantic Publishers, pp. 183-187.
55. Shollapur,
M.R., 2001. Case Study Approach as an Effective Tool for Teaching Business Studies: A Model Building. In:
Hugar, S.S., (Eds.), Challenges before Business Education in India. New
Delhi: Atlantic. pp. 87-98.
56. Shollapur,
M.R., 2000. Intellectual Resource Sharing Through Faculty Expertise Exchange
between University and Industry. University News, Vol. 28(18). pp. 1-7.
57. Hugar,
S.S., Hundekar, S.G., Shollapur, M.R., 2000. Strategic and Operational Models for Small
Scale Industrial Units. In: Made Gowda J., (Ed.), Readings in Business
Environment and Policy. New Delhi: Deep and Deep Publishers. pp. 231-236.
58. Shollapur,
M.R., 2000. Corporate Governance: Imperatives and Implications in Financial
Disclosures. In: Made Gowda J., (Ed), Readings in Business Environment and
Policy. New Delhi: Deep and Deep Publishers, pp. 352-362.
59. Shollapur,
M.R., 1999. Quality in Management Education: A Perspective.
University News,
Vol. 37(36), pp. 1-5.
Shollapur, M.R., 1999. Profitability Analysis of Branches. The Maharashtra
Co-operative Quarterly, Vol. LXXXIII (1), pp. 40-48.
61. Shollapur,
M.R., 1998. Pattern of Distribution of Branches: Case Study of Central
Co-operative Bank. The Maharashtra Co-operative Quarterly Vol. LXXXV (1), pp.
62. Hugar,
S.S., Hundekar, S.G., Shollapur, M.R., 1998. Globalization of Business and
Financial Disclosures. The Business Review, Vol. 4 (1&4), pp. 21-25.
63. Shollapur,
M.R., 1998. An Appraisal of Policies and
Programmes for the Promotion of Small Scale Industries. In: Hundekar, S.G.,
Das, V.B.M., Banerjee, G.D., (Eds.), Challenges Before Small Scale Industries,
Allahabad: Horizon, pp. 209-216.
64. Hugar,
S.S., Hundekar, S.G., Shollapur, M.R, 1997-98. Business Challenges of the Open
Regime, The Journal of Karnatak University Social Sciences, Vol. XXVIII, pp.
65. Shollapur,
M.R., 1997. University Industry Interface in Business Education. University
News, Vol. 35 (43), pp. 1-4.
66. Shollapur,
M.R., 1997. Challenges Before Indian Banks in Financial Services Under Changing Scenario.
Indian Banking Today and Tomorrow, pp. 24-27.
67. Shollapur,
M.R., 1997. Analysis of Effectiveness of Credit Cycle: An Experience of the
Primary Co-operative Credit Societies in Karnataka State. Indian Co-operative
Review, Vol. XXXV (1), pp. 30-48.
68. Shollapur,
M.R., 1997. Credit Collections vs. Remittances. Agricultural Banker, Vol. 20 (1), pp. 10-13.
69. Shollapur,
M.R., 1997. Means to Ensure End-use of Credit. Indian Co-operative Review, Vol.
XXXIV (3), pp. 201-204.
70. Shollapur,
M.R., 1996. An Analysis of the Hassan District Agricultural
Co-operative Credit System. In: Vasant
Kumar M. (Ed), Hoysala-Sampad, Hassan: Publication Division, 65th All India
Kannada Literary Conference, pp. 388-403.
71. Shollapur,
M.R., 1996. Appraisal of Effectiveness of Post-sanction Follow-up of Credit. Indian Co-operative Review, Vol. XXXIII (4), pp. 335-340.
72. Shollapur,
M.R., 1996. Analysis of Effectiveness of Credit Disbursement: A Study of Co-operative Credit. The
Maharashtra Co-operative Quarterly, Vol. LXXX (1), pp. 16-27.
73. Shollapur,
M.R., 1996. Analysis of Profitability of Credit Management in Central
Co-operative Banks with Reference to Karnataka State. Indian Co-operative Review, Vol. XXXIII (3),
pp. 265-290.
74. Shollapur,
M.R., 1995. Analysis of Working of Apex Banks: A Case Study. Indian
Co-operative Review, Vol. XXXIII (1), pp. 143-154.
75. Shollapur,
M.R., 1994-96. Performance Appraisal of Banks under Service Area Approach.
The Journal of Karnatak University Social Sciences, Vol. XXVII, pp.
76. Hugar, S.S., Hundekar, S.G., Shollapur, M.R., 1994-96. Changed Economic Scenario and Prospects for Small Scale Industrial Entrepreneurship. The Journal of Karnatak University Social Sciences, Vol. XXII, pp. 192-201.
1. Shollapur,
M. R. 2021. Innovative Interventions for Inclusive and Sustainable
Business Landscape. (Edited volume), Bangalore, Enas Publication.
2. Shollapur,
M. R. 2020. Trustworthiness and Emerging Trends in Markets and Morals (Edited
volume), Bangalore, Enas Publication.
3. Shollapur,
M. R. & Ajoy Kumar M, 2019. Readings in Contemporary Management Research
(Edited volume), Bangalore, Enas Publication.
4. Shollapur,
M. R., 2019. Issues on Higher Education in India, (A collection of essays in Kannada),
Bangalore, Sapna Ink.
5. Bhat, S. N;
Shollapur, M.R; & Vishwanath, N.S. (Eds). 2018. Impact of Demonetization
and GST on Indian Economy, Dharwad: Smt. & Shri G.S. Akkihal College of
Commerce and Postgraduate Institute of Commerce.
6. Veerabhadriah, H.V; Sadashivaiah, M.B; Shollapur, M.R., (Eds), 2013. Chennasiri: A Felicitation Volume in Honour of Dr. M N Channabasappa, Tumkur: Siddaganga Institute of Technology.
7. Shollapur,
M.R., Naveen K.S., (Eds), 2011. Microfinance and Sustainable Livelihood
Promotions in India, New Delhi: Excel Books.
8. Shollapur,
M. R., 2006. University-Industry Interaction: Exploring the Areas of Mutual
Interest, Dharwad: Matha Publishers.
9. Shollapur,
M.R., Reddy, P.N., Appannaiah, H.R., Shanti, S., 2006. Managerial Economics
(Vol-2), Mumbai: Himalaya Publishing House.
10. Shollapur,
M.R., Reddy, P.N., Appanniah, H.R., Shanti, S., 2005. Managerial Economics
(Vol-1), Mumbai: Himalaya Publishing House.
11. Hugar, S.
S., Hundekar, S. G., Hyderabad, R. L., Shollapur, M. R., (Eds), 2001.
Challenges before Business Education in India, New Delhi: Atlantic.
12. Sexena, R. G., Reddy, P. N., Appannaiah, H. R., Shollapur, M. R., 1998. Essentials of Auditing, Mumbai: Himalaya Publishing House.
1. Shollapur, M.R., 2016. The Superiority of USA in Higher Education, Vijaya Karnataka, The Kannada Dailies, April 13 & 20, 2016.
Shollapur, M.R., 2013. Administrative Thoughts
of Dr. M N Channabasappa, In Veerabhadriah, H.V; Sadashivaiah, M.B; Shollapur,
M.R., (Eds), Chennasiri: A Felicitation Volume in Honour of Dr. M N
Channabasappa, Tumkur: Siddaganga Institute of Technology, pp. 62-83.
3. Shollapur, M.R., 2002. Professionalisation of Commerce Education, Vidya Samachar – A Monthly Magazine on Education, Vol. 9, pp. 16-22 & 27.
4. Shollapur, M.R., 1996. Swami Vivekananda’s Thoughts on Education, Jnan Deep (Daily), 13.1.1996, p.2 and 14.1.1996, p2.
5. Shollapur, M.R., 1995. The Budget and Inflation, Janatha Madhyama (Daily), 13.4.1995, p.2.
6. Shollapur, M.R., 1994. Co-operative Credit: Unsatisfactory Recoveries, Kannada Prabha (Daily), 5.7.1994, p.4.
7. Shollapur, M.R., 1994. Literacy Does Not Mean Reading and Writing alone, Kannada Prabha (Daily), 15.5.1994, p. 3.
8. Shollapur, M.R. 1994. Co-operative Credit System, Kannada Prabha (Daily), 3.4.1994, p.4.
9. Shollapur, M.R., 1994. Tax: The Plight of the Salaried Class, Kannada Prabha (Daily), 22.2.1994, p. 4.
10. Shollapur, M.R., 1994. Literacy and Development, Janatha Madhyama (Daily), 22.2.1994, p. 2.
11. Shollapur, M.R., 1993. Dunkel Proposals and Economic Sovereignty, Jnan Deep (Daily), 23.11.1993, p. 2 and 24.11.1993, p. 2.
12. Shollapur, M.R., 1984. “Problems of Cotton Textile Mills in Post-independent India”, Bhagyodaya: A Souvenir, Banahatti: The Banahatti Co-operative Spinning Mill Ltd., pp. 47-49.
2022: Branding of B-Schools in Karnataka: A Study of Stakeholders’ Perspective (Manu T U), Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi Thesis submitted in May 2022.
2018: A Study on Effect of Working Capital Management on Financial Performance of Selected Indian Retail Firms (Muralidhara A), Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi
2016: A Study on Price Discovery and Hedging Effectiveness in Commodity Derivatives Markets in India (M. Ajoy Kumar), Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi.
2013: A Study on Impact of Savings and Investment Policies on Working Wome (N.S. Pattanshetti), Karnatak University, Dharwad
2011: Working of Microfinance Mechanism: A Case Study of Selected Self-Help Groups (SHGs) in Dharwad District (Y.S. Barigidad), Karnatak University, Dharwad.
2009: Mergers & Acquisitions: A Study of Selected Corporate Business Entities in India (R.A. Mulla), Karnatak University, Dharwad.
2006: Investors’ Perceptions towards Institutional Investments in Open Regime (A.B. Kuchanur), Karnatak University, Dharwad.
2005: Management of Funds in Banks: A Study on Selected Commercial Banks in India (Y.G. Baligatti), Karnatak University, Dharwad.
2004: Brand Positioning in White Goods Sector (R. Anitha), Karnatak University, Dharwad.
2016 |
University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom, for presenting paper in
International Conference organized by FLE Learning during August 15-17, 2016.
Visited The Imperial College
London, South Kensington and the University of Epswich, United Kingdom,
August 2016. ·
Toured across the major European
countries such as United Kingdom, France, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, and
Czech Republic, August – September 2016. |
2015 |
Invited as Visiting Research
Scholar at Indiana University of Pennsylvania, for Fall Semester
(October-November, 2015). · During this visit to US, visited The Booth School of Business, The University of Chicago, Illinois.